Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Now this is happening...

As embarrassed as I am to show you all the inside of our kitchen cupboard, this morning Norah not only made her way over to the cupboard by herself, but she successfully opened it and started pulling everything out. Gone are the days of just plopping her imoblie little self down with some toys and having her be content to stay put. This girl is now on the move and wants to be into EVERYTHING! Time to get creative.


Dolphinsbarn said...

Do you have neighbors downstairs? They are gonna love this turn of events. :)

Kristin said...

She is crawling? I need to see her NOW!

Sarah Jane said...

more like scooting and clawing her way to whatever she's after than 'crawling,' but definitely on the move.

jen said...

Welcome to my life! The dive out of the bath tub was a real eye opener for me. She is adorable though, and that picture of her kind of reminds me of Lily. Maybe its just the "caught in the act" face. Lily thanks you all again for the fantastic b-day present!

Melanie said...

Creativity doesn't work. We tried. Luckily T hasn't discovered the pots and pans, just the movies. T's only discovered how to stand up on the kitchen steps, not go up them, and the dragging myself around with 2 broken legs method doesn't work with stairs...hopefully the pots and pans will escape unscathed.
Good luck!

The Jackson Three said...

Good luck...it only gets worse. I am definitely losing more and more cupboard space each passing week as the tupperware, dish towels, and anything else plastic is moved within cj's reach!

Granum Family said...

Oh she has gotten so big. She's so cute!

Gayle said...

These are the fun days. Now to come up with creative ways to keep everything contained. She definitely looks like a Bowen. So cute.

Catherine said...

When you gave David pots and pans to play with when you came back they were all over the place.

(P S new post on family blog,Nathan)

amy smart said...

Ha. Love it. I remember Catherine used to love to methodically unload Mom's reachable drawers in the family room full of Uno cards, pencils, notepads, etc. At least she is an inquisitive child - a sure sign of high intelligence.

Catherine said...

Of course it's a sign of intelligance. Your daughter,I,has the last name Smart. Why shouldn't she be ingelligent?