Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy 8-month Birthday little one!

Today Norah is 8 months old! Please indulge us once again with some up to date shots of the wee one.


Annie said...

Oh, my. She's adorable. Terrific job on the photos, too. Can't wait to meet her someday!

M said...

I love the fourth photo, where her eyebrows are raised a bit. I see quite a bit of Nathan in that picture.

Yay for eight months of Norahness! Here's to eight million more months!

Jason and Kristina Murphy said...

She is such a CUTIE!!!! Gotta love little girls!!!

Annette said...

Oooooooh, we love these photos.
Thanks for sharing them - they'll go up on the family door.

To quote Nathan, "She cutes me out."

Kristin said...

I LOVE her!!!!

Erin said...

so dang cute! She could totally beat Quincey up.

Erin said...

oh and nathan, she cutes me out too. Love it

The Jackson Three said...

serious cuteness going on there! she is darling - I hope those cheeks never go away!

Smarties said...

I adore these pictures. So great. Can't wait to see her in person.

(That pillow behind her is pretty nifty too.)

shayna said...

yep, she's stunning. Nice job...

rachel thurston said...

realizing I hadn't see photos of norah for a long time..I checked my goggle reader and your blog was not listed!! anger! so i have spent the last hour catching up. she is completly stunning. gerber baby all the way. I love your family and hope my little sarah jane is happy and content.