Thursday, October 23, 2008

While the mommy's away...

The daddy will play, and the baby will cry. Or something like that. I tried to get a rapid series of pictures where Norah breaks down. Can you believe that we really just keep showing pictures of Norah and nothing else? I promise the next post will be something different.

1. I'm not sure I'm happy.

2. I'm deciding right now whether to let you know how I feel.

3. Now I'm going to let you know about said unhappiness.

4. I'm unhappy.

5. I'll give you a freebie by not screaming, but I am actually really ticked. Fix it!


Sarah Jane said...

Am I a bad mom if I say that her sad face is one of my favorites? It's so cute! Awwww... I miss being home with my babe and her daddy. (And let's be honest, the next post will probably really be more pictures of Norah).

Mom or Dad said...

She's grown and is so cute! Keep the pictures coming. I love reading your blog.

k. said...

Your new camera? Pretty color.

Maybe she is unhappy because she is wrapped up like a mummy? I can't believe that babies love that so much. I can't even wear socks.

Annette said...

Grammie loves all photos of Norah, sad or not. We also love the Central Park tree photos, taken with the nifty new camera.

We love all of you!
Grammie Annette