Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pre Delivery Post

We just recently had a baby, people. But before we give you the details, it's worth posting the events prior to the arrivals. Well, some events. Tasteful editing is always desirable in these situations...

For the record, the cleaning itch did come the night when labor started. Would she have kept the baby in longer if she hadn't vacuumed? We'll never know.

A couple of things: first, with experience comes wisdom. The In N Out move was a good one, despite the contractions that came before and after this video that may have freaked out folks in the car behind us. We didn't really eat for another 12-14 hours.

Second, we're so glad this happened on a weekend (though secretly I kind of wish I got a call in the middle of teaching class where I'd have to dash out of the room saying "Class, we have to end right now cause WE'RE HAVIN A BABY").

Third, I do have to say, this post is very reminiscent of our prior pre-delivery post, except California style.


Corinne said...

Love it. SJ's face says it all.

Em N. said...

Love the post but come on guys- we need pics and a NAME of the little guy ASAP... seriously! :)
Congrats! Can't wait to meet him.

nathan said...

All things must be done in order. The next post is coming up soon (as soon as Norah lets me finish).

Laura-Lu said...

Sarah's expressions in that last video are fantastic.

Annette said...

Great post. Love the link to NYC experience.

Unknown said...

This post made me laugh. I love it. And now I'm considering what will be my last pre-baby meal. :)

Unknown said...
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