Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fourth of July Celebrations (including Nathan's b-day!)

Happy Fourth of July. Sorry we're a bit behind on our blogging, our 'Month of Fun'* has just been so much fun. As one might expect, these next few posts will inlcude many photos, so sorry to those of you who don't enjoy a lengthy post.

The Fourth of July is double the fun in our family because it is also Nathan's birthday. So first, a Happy Birthday shout out to him. We love you honey/Dad.

Last year our Fourth was pretty low key because I was super pregnant, and it was super hot and muggy in New York City. So this year we really went for it with the celebration activities.

We started the day with an early morning hike with Laura and Bret. It should be noted that this was Norah's first hike.

Then we walked in our first Fourth of July parade, joining in with Norah's cousins (cousin Lily seen below) and dozens of other kids on their decked out bikes, scooters, etc., as well as people in golf carts, on horseback, 4-wheelers, motorcycles, a fire engine, police cars, someone pulling a handcart, a dude on stilts, and a man dressed in colonial garb carrying a musket. Quite the Fourth of July hodge podge. Norah thoroughly enjoyed herself.

The rest of the day was spent partying (and eating) like it was the Fourth of July.

And of course the day was capped off with firework shows both big and small.

*our anniversary is June 28th, Nathan's birthday is July 4th, Norah's is July 18th, and mine is July 28th, so we affectionately call the month between June 28th and July 28th our 'Month of Fun.' And it usually really is.


Becky Rose said...

We have the same birthday Sarah Jane! I'll be 37. How old will you be?

Eliza said...

First, I must mention your awesome dress, where is that from?! Now that you are living on the other side of the country would you mind terribly if I copy your entire wardrobe?

Fun times! Is the parade Norah marched in the one down the Main St. of Provo? We LIVE for that parade. I can't wait till our girls can strut their stuff in that parade.

And happy b-day to Nate! looking forward to hearing about the rest of the b-days in your little family. Let the "month of fun" roll on, says I!