Monday, September 08, 2008

7 weeks old

Here is a nice full body shot at 7 weeks. At her 6 week appointment Norah weighed in at 10 lbs. exactly. I can't believe how much bigger she has gotten in just 6 weeks!

Norah, 7 weeks

Norah, 1 week


Side of Jeffrey said...

Beauts. Keep up the growth kid!

Smarties said...

Awesome. I love babies with "healthy"/chubby legs (obviously.) I still think Norah is one of the cutest babies I know.

Melanie said...

Wow. T didn't hit 10 pounds until her 2 month appointment. Mark keeps saying he wants a roly poly baby, but I don't think he's going to get one!

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

wow! She has grown. That's good news.

Smarties said...

she now weighs as much as spencer did when he was one-week old
-catherine s.