Monday, March 05, 2007

'It's a Scoooooooper'

We were out and about on Saturday and came accross this 'scooper.' We thought if nothing else that Spencer would think it was cool.


RadDad said...

Very cool. did you start it up and drive down 43rd street?

nathan said...

Unfortunately, we just decided to go to the Container Store after this. No driving, but we found a much-needed pencil holder.

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

Hey guys, I just found your blog ... great news, and I love the pictures. We are starting up a blog/website soon.

By the way, since I couldn't figure out how to make a comment on your Arizona trip entry, I will comment now that McKay is one of my old friends from high school. A wonderful guy. I only met Karissa once, but I'm so glad you know them. They seem so happy. I bet the wedding was gorgeous.

Anyway, I'll keep reading your blog!

The Cannons said...

Hey SJ. It's me Abigail Jane, your long lost roomie from D.C. I thought I would check in and say hello. You and your hubby look like your having a great time. Get a Magnolia Cupcake for me uuumkay!!
Here's our blog if you want to check us out: