Sunday, July 24, 2011

We Love Our Friends

Our friends came out from New York to visit (in May. Only two months behind). It was awesome. So we ordered the good weather.

One of the highlights of the trip was going out to a local farm to pick strawberries, snap peas, and other delicious and fresh fruits & veggies. Twas mahvelous.

My girls!

Is John saying "Have a strawberry" or "Please take it. I don't like how this feels in my hand."?

John and Norah were like two peas in a pod. Just like the day they were born in the same hospital. In this photo they're probably just laughing at an awesome joke I made up and not at all watching Monsters Inc.

Meanwhile, these guys realized they both like to chew on giraffes, and bonded.

Whilst Cam recognizes a good photo op and seizes it, apparently I look like I've just witnessed something terrible.

Do you ever get an urge to make a sand toaster and accompanying plate of toast? No? It's just us? Weird.

At any rate, it was really fun to see our peeps on our side of the country. Friends are great. Thanks for coming!